Present (34 members + 1 guest) Peter Gipp, John Turner, Peter Harris, Rod Baron, Darren Murfitt, Charlie Barker, Eric Drury, Alan Rutterford, Graham Chapman, Max d’Ayala, Mary Gates, Tony Hall, Ian Day, Adam Etches, Natalle Etches, Stephen Howard, Rachel Roberts, Julie Foreman, Don Brown, Glyn Loveday, Simon Jackson, Stephen Tovey, John Crisp, Lisa Redman, Ian Green, Melanie Fisher, Simon Bottomley, Fraser Badcock, Stephen Pettit, Emma Greaves, Nigel Leadbetter, Emily Knight, Nick Dowdy, Steve Barker, and guest Adrian Graham (Chairman Ramsey RR and Cambs AA Permit Secretary).


Apologies (11) Adrian Stokes, Alex Tate, Alfredo Verna, Angela Chapman, Birgitta Bramley, Daniel Regan, Heidi Fochtmann, Ian Vaughan-Arbuckle, Margaret Bracewell, Sarah Sharpe, William Wilson.


Chairman’s Opening Remarks on 2007


1. Chairman Peter Gipp opened the meeting at 7:40 pm and said that 2007 had been a busy year with three open events including the first Turing Trail Relay for which he thanked the Committee, Events Working Group, Alan Rutterford’s Round Norfolk Relay team, and the record seven teams in the Hereward Relay. He wished members an enjoyable 2008.


Matter Arising from the 2007 AGM Minutes


2. John Turner said these had been circulated and were on the club’s website. There were no matters arising.


Treasurer’s Report


3. Peter Harris presented the 2007 income and expenditure accounts for the club, the Turing Trail Relay, the Grunty Fen Half Marathon, and the New Year’s Eve 10k. Also stock details, and a balance sheet. He mentioned that under new legislation, corporation tax (£552.57) had been paid; that subs only covered about one third of expenditure; and that ARC unaffiliated payments (GF & NYE10k) were only 40% of previous (up to TTR) SEAA payments. The club’s net surplus of income over expenditure was £3,225.40 compared to £3,169.49 in 2006. Current assets included £17,500 deposited in a Scottish Widows (interest) Treasury Account and £4,905.00 at the bank. The amount at the bank was necessary to include cover for the recent New Year’s Eve 10k. There was an accumulated fund balance of £20,072.29 of which £6,473.44 was allocated for the Grunty Fen Half Marathon and £13,598.85 was available for general use.


4. The 2007 Turing Trail Relay (first event with restricted entry) had made a modest profit despite having start-up costs.


5. Despite introducing chip timing (cost about £2 per runner) for the 2007 Grunty Fen ½ Marathon, the increased entry fees helped towards slightly more profit than last year’s (record) profit. Although the trailer toilets were an extra cost, the 2007 New Year’s Eve 10k profit was also slightly more than in 2006. The profits of both events had been helped due to paying only 40% of the extra £2 unaffiliated entry fees with ARC permits compared to 100% with SEAA (UKA) permits in previous years.


6. To simplify accounting, the stock of leftover Grunty Fen medals had been written-off.


7. The opening stock of club kit (not including the subsidised fleeces) was £516.30 and the closing stock £594.90


8. Corporation tax had been paid for the first time in 2007.


9. Subscriptions represented a bit less than one third of club expenditure.


10. John Turner thanked Peter Harris for his detailed presentation of the accounts and dedicated work as Treasurer. The accounts were accepted. (pPG/sJT).


Secretary’s Report & Team Captain’s Report


11. In the absence of an appointed Team Captain, John Turner combined both reports.


12. Membership had increased from 85 last year to100 in September and was now 105.


13. The new (in 2007) Turing Trail Relay had reached the (revised from 60) race entry limit of 75 teams and had been successful. The club had controlled the race over a 35 miles course without any runners going astray despite the fenland blow conditions..


14. Training had been well attended (usually 20-30) and done with determined effort.


15. Administration continued to be more efficient (mainly thanks to Rod Baron’s computer skills and input) and we now had on-line membership application/renewal and entry to all three open events. With website administration, collection of numbers on the day, and electronic timers, the race workload was much reduced and the events enhanced.


16. There had been notable club achievements in 2007: 1st club cross-country championships; 1st Turing Trail Relay; 3rd place in the Frostbite League; Adam & Natalle Etches organised the Ely Triathlon and Christmas Draw again; 2nd in the ARC ½ Marathon Championships, 1st in the ARC Long Distance Relay Championships; Round Norfolk Relay success (best small club, 3rd overall, 3rd open category, and Ian Day fastest on stage 2 in a record time); Ian Green was the first member to finish a full Ironman (Austria), Emma Greaves pushed the boundaries with ultra training and the December 50m Round Rotherham race; members’ consistent flow of club records and PBs; Alex Tate won the Frostbite League race in December; Ian Day and John Crisp both beat the Talyllyn train; Ian Vaughan-Arbuckle moved to Oxfordshire but still organised the GEAR and RNR; 1st ARC affiliated club; GF 1st ARC permit race and 1st ARC championship: Rod Baron ARC Web Master; Ian Day won the Belvoir 15m XC and ran two sub three hour marathons. A lot of members (14) ran in the 2007 London Marathon and several members had places for 2008.  It had been a good year of consolidation and progress for the club.


17. To alleviate liability for corporation tax, the club’s application for Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASC) registration was approved. (pPH/sRB)


18. The club’s new Constitution (incorporating CASC requirements) had been circulated previously to members and was approved. (pJT/sRB)



Election of Officers and Committee Members


19. The 2007-08 Officers (Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer) had been nominated and agreed to stand for re-election in 2008-09. Charlie Barker (Membership and Trophies) and Max d’Ayala (Coaching) had resigned from the Committee during 2007 and Charlie Barker was then co-opted on to the EWG for Event Photography. Darren Murfitt (i/c Marshals) and Eric Dury (FFL Manager & Assistant Course Marking) had moved to the EWG in 2007 as this was more appropriate their roles. Eric Drury, Alan Rutterford and Graham Chapman had not sought re-election and/or been proposed for the 2008-09 Committee.



20. There were no nominations or volunteers for Team Captain, Sponsorship, and Club Events (XC, 10kH, 1mH).


However, soon after the AGM:

They were both accepted by the new Committee and co-opted onto the Committee without voting rights until elected at an AGM.


Election of Events Working Group


21. This group comprises members with specific responsibilities for open and club events. The following were proposed and elected:



However, soon after the AGM, Charlie Barker was co-opted onto the Committee as Team Captain and for Event Photography.


Election of new Club Coaches Working Group (responsible to i/c Training)


22. Alan Rutterford was elected as Club Coaching Representative for this group (pJT/s MF).


23. John Turner said that other qualified coaches in the club are Max d’Ayala, Rachel Roberts, Adam Etches and John Crisp


Re-Appointment of Women’s Team Leader


24. Natalle Etches agreed to stand again and was re-elected (pJT/sMG)


Review of Club Subscriptions for 2008-09


25. Peter Harris suggested (pPH/sDM) and the meeting agreed that:



Review of Affiliations & Membership


26. Peter Harris proposed (sID), and the meeting agreed, to affiliations for 2008-09 to:



27. John Turner proposed (sID) that the BARR membership should not be renewed as they were no longer independent and also because the club now used ARC race permits – carried.


Club, Open and League Events 2008-2009


28. It was agreed that the club should hold/enter/support the following events:



Presentation of Trophies and Awards for 2007


29. Following review and discussion of 2007 performances, the Committee agreed that the following members be awarded the Club Trophies.  Frostbite League Manager Eric Drury presented his donated trophies and Chairman Peter Gipp presented the other trophies to:



30. Chairman Peter Gipp presented Ely Runners Special Achievement Awards (engraved one pint pewter tankards) to:


·        Graham Chapman - Race Refreshments & Store

·        Emma Greaves - Ultra Racing & Training


Paradise Centre Club Membership


31. It was agreed to continue with the club membership (currently £96.25) of the Paradise Centre for members to change and shower free of charge after training or races (pPG/sSH).


Proposals for Expenditure in 2008-09


32. Proposals were approved for the Committee to authorise, subject to the Treasurer’s advice on threshold reserves of funds, moderate expenditure on:



Any Other Business


33. Members approved the invitation of leading coaches (by Alan Rutterford) to take summer evening training sessions (pAR/sGL)


34. As two members had been injured by car doors opening in front of them, John Turner asked members to check the revised advice about Running at Night on the club website.


35. John Turner reminded members about the FFL Presentation Evening tickets.


36. Emma Greaves said she had become a MAGPAS Coordinator and asked members to consider supporting MAGPAS in sponsored races.


37. John Turner said that unclaimed kit and awards from the club cupboard were on display and should be claimed or taken for the members/runners to which it belonged.


38. Adrian Graham (Chairman RR and Permit Secretary Cambs AA) said/requested:


·        The NYE 10k should have longer (50m) solid tape both sides before the finish to keep spectators back

·        The NYE10K finishing funnel could possibly be longer, and the recorders further away from the finish, to keep it clear at peak times

·        That ARC events should not show the BARR course measurement logo. Rod Baron said that ARC would soon have their own course measurement logo

·        In addition to being Referee, he would be at the TTR stage 4/5 changeover this year

·        Alan Rutterford was asked to take a junior coaching session at Ramsey RR in 2008


39. John Turner said that members could renew their subscriptions after the meeting.


40. There being no further business, Chairman Peter Gipp closed the meeting at 9:15 pm.


JT 25.03.2008